{{language == 'en'?'Comprehensive Property Management':'全面的物业管理'}}

{{language == 'en'?'Oracle Hospitality OPERA Property provides a full-featured, property management system that enables you to deliver world-class guest service and increase operational efficiency across the hotel property.':'Oracle Hospitality OPERA Property 提供了一个功能完善的物业管理系统,使您能够在整个物业中提供世界级的宾客服务并提高运营效率。'}}

{{language == 'en'?'Future-Proof Your Business':'满足您的未来业务需求'}}

-   {{language == 'en'?'Comprehensive hotel property management with a vast number of connection options':'具有大量连接选项,可以提供全面的物业管理'}}

-   {{language == 'en'?'Deliver great guest experiences with personalized services':'利用个性化服务提供卓越的宾客体验'}}

-   {{language == 'en'?'Maximize revenues and occupancy with advanced rate management':'利用先进的价格管理,尽可能提高收入'}}

-   {{language == 'en'?'Streamline operations by integrating food and beverage and distribution':'通过整合餐饮和分销来简化运营'}}

-   {{language == 'en'?'Improve business performance based on real-time business':'基于实时业务来提高业务绩效'}}

{{language == 'en'?'Deep Dive - Empower Your Hotel with Technology':'运用技术为您的酒店赋能'}}
  • Oracle Hospitality OPERA Property Lite Hotel PMS

    {{language == 'en'?'Learn more about the lite version of OPERA Property in this data sheet.':'了解更多关于OPERA Property Lite版本'}}

  • Oracle Hospitality OPREA Property Standard Hotel PMS

    {{language == 'en'?'Learn more about the standard version of OPERA Property in this data sheet':'了解更多关于OPERA Property Standard版本'}}

  • Oracle Hospitality OPERA Property Premium Hotel PMS

    {{language == 'en'?'Learn more about the premium version of OPERA Property in this data sheet':'了解更多关于OPERA Property Premium版本'}}

{{language == 'en'?'experience':'经验'}}

{{language == 'en'?'Superior Guest Service':'优质客户服务'}}

{{language == 'en'?'Deliver superior guest experience while reducing it costs and complexity':'提供卓越的宾客体验,同时降低 IT 成本和复杂性'}}

{{language == 'en'?'We can manage the entire Hosting solution portfolio from servers to applications, allowing you to focus on your core business: delivering superior guest service.':'我们可以管理从服务器到应用程序的整个Hosting解决方案组合,让您可以专注于自己的核心业务:提供卓越的宾客服务。'}}

{{language == 'en'?'Whether it`s one or more properties, on-site or Hosting services, Oracle hospitality operation property gives you the flexibility to meet specific business needs.':'不管是一个或多个物业,还是现场或Hosting服务,Oracle Hospitality OPERA Property 都能让您灵活满足特定业务需求。'}}

{{language == 'en'?'Help your business transformation with OPERA Hosting services':'利用Hosting服务帮助您的业务转型'}}

-   {{language == 'en'?'Accelerate time to market and innovation':'加快上市和创新时间'}}

-   {{language == 'en'?'Respond more quickly to changing market conditions':'更快速地响应不断变化的市场条件'}}

-   {{language == 'en'?'Follow the latest compliance and security developments':'随之关注最新的合规性和安全性动态'}}

-   {{language == 'en'?'Make smarter decisions with real-time business intelligence':'利用实时商业智能做出更明智的决策'}}

-   {{language == 'en'?'Reduce it footprint on site':'减少现场 IT 占用空间'}}

-   {{language == 'en'?'Maximize ROI of it spending':'尽可能提升 IT 支出的 ROI'}}