{{language == 'en'?'Efficiently Plan and Execute Events':'有效地计划和执行活动'}}

{{language == 'en'?'Oracle Hospitality OPERA Sales and Catering is a full-featured customer- and event- management application that seamlessly integrates with Oracle Hospitality OPERA Property to maximize group sales and streamline execution of meetings and events.':'Oracle Hospitality OPERA Sales and Catering 是功能齐全的客户和活动管理应用程序,可以与 Oracle Hospitality OPERA Property 无缝集成,从而最大限度提升团体销售并简化会议和活动的执行过程。'}}

{{language == 'en'?'Grow Group Sales Revenues':'增加团体销售收入'}}
  • {{language == 'en'?'Maximize sales revenues from group sales, conferences, and banqueting':'尽可能最大程度提高升来自团体销售、讨论会和宴会的销售收入'}}

  • {{language == 'en'?'Enable the sales force to attain targets with intuitive sales tools and efficient lead management':'让销售人员可以通过直观的销售工具和有效的销售线索管理达到目标'}}

  • {{language == 'en'?'Automate bookings via web channels and sell your meeting space online':'通过 Web 渠道自动执行预订并在线销售会议空间'}}

  • {{language == 'en'?'Improve profitability with smart pricing':'利用智能定价功能提高盈利能力'}}

  • {{language == 'en'?'Gain business insights using sales and catering dashboards':'利用销售和餐饮服务仪表板获得业务观点通过销售和餐饮服务的数据面板为业务策略制定做有力支撑'}}

{{language == 'en'?'Increase of efficiency':'提高效率'}}
  • {{language == 'en'?'Maximize efficiency with full integration of Oracle hospitality opera property with Oracle hospitality':'利用 Oracle Hospitality OPERA Property 与 Oracle Hospitality OPERA Central Sales 的充分集成,尽可能最大程度地提高效率'}}

  • {{language == 'en'?'Support any active sales strategy from a single project to a packaged product':'从单个项目到打包产品,支持从单个项目到打包产品在内的任何活动销售策略'}}

  • {{language == 'en'?'Gain customer and operational perspectives with dedicated reporting and analytics solutions':'利用专用的报告和分析解决方案,获得客户和运营方观点'}}

{{language == 'en'?'business':'业务'}}

{{language == 'en'?'Hosting Services':'主机服务'}}

{{language == 'en'?'Help your business transformation with Hosting services':'利用云服务帮助您的业务转型'}}

{{language == 'en'?'Three different versions to meet your business needs':'提供三支持三个个不同的版本,满足不同您的业务需求'}}

{{language == 'en'?'Choose from own service or cloud service deployment options':'支持选择从自有服务或云服务部署选项选择'}}

{{language == 'en'?'Meet different language, currency and legal requirements around the world':'满足支持世界各地的不同多国语言、货币和法律要求'}}